The Cabal is an organization comprised of the world's greatest supervillains and enemies of the Avengers. They serve as the main antagonistic faction of Season 1, and they are led by the Red Skull, and in Season 4: Secret Wars, they are led by Loki.
After being beaten by the Avengers, the Red Skull believed that the only way to achieve his victory over the heroes was through a united effort. So he called upon Doctor Doom, Attuma, and Dracula with a proposition to join forces in order to take over the world. Doctor Doom turned down membership to the Cabal, while Justin Hammer failed twice to get into the group. The Cabal fought the Avengers numerous times. After The Final Showdown, Red Skull betrays the Cabal, and the rest of the team splits apart after that.
Prior to the events of Avengers No More, Leader assembled a new incarnation of the Cabal, consisting of Kang the Conqueror, Executioner, Arnim Zola, and Enchantress.
Current Members[]
- Leader (figurehead)
- Kang the Conqueror
- Executioner
- Arnim Zola
- Enchantress
- Loki (true leader)
Former Members[]
- Red Skull (founder and former leader)
- Super-Adaptoid (destroyed)
- Hyperion (temporarily)
- M.O.D.O.K.
- Attuma
- Dracula
Potential Recruits[]
- Crossbones
- Doctor Doom (formerly)
- Grim Reaper
- Justin Hammer
Infinity Gauntlet
Season 1[]
- The Avengers Protocol, Part 2 (first appearance)
- The Serpent of Doom
- Blood Feud
- Super-Adaptoid
- In Deep
- Bring on the Bad Guys
- Savages
- The Ambassador
- By the Numbers
- Exodus
- The Final Showdown
Season 2[]
- Beneath the Surface (mentioned)
- Head to Head (mentioned)
- Small Time Heroes (mentioned)
Season 4: Secret Wars[]
- Avengers No More: Part 1
- Avengers No More: Part 2
- The Once and Future Kang
- Dimension Z
- The Most Dangerous Hunt
- Under the Spell of the Enchantress
- The Return
- The original Cabal disbanded after the events of The Final Showdown.
- Loki is the true leader of the team in the fourth season.
External Links[]
- Cabal (comics) at Wikipedia
- Cabal at the Marvel Database Project